I deeply believe the woes of the world exist due to the wounded masculine. We live in a society that condemns its existence with one hand, yet perpetuates the wounding with the other. Leaving most men confused and uncertain as to what is expected from them. The lines between what is expected, what is desired and what is acceptable have become blurry. So men are left malnourished, while their lives slowly become more and more burdensome.
In a time of great change, as the old paradigm crumbles, our families, communities and society as a whole, yearn for embodied, heart led, spine-connected men. Men that can both lean into their vulnerability and have the strength, courage and integrity to stand up for what is right and what they believe in.
For those looking to dive deep into embodying that which will align them with their highest potential, Nic offers 1:1 coaching and mentorship. This is the most intimate way you can work with Nic and therefore the most extensive as far as your investment and commitment.
Each container is customised specifically to the clients needs for a minimum 3 month commitment. Exploring everything from archetypal psychology, shadow work, relationship dynamics, healing the masculine / feminine, spiritual awakening, purpose, intergenerational trauma, medicine work, embodiment, sexual empowerment, rites of passage and much more.
Nic’s philosophy of ‘fear is the compass’, and ‘growth happens outside your comfort zone’, is a great indication that your commitment to this process will challenge you. Needless to say, that is where the gold is.
For those of you ready and able to commit and excited to explore 1:1 coaching and mentorship, apply below.