Men have a habit of waiting until the eleventh hour before being motivated to change. Not until the sickness kicks in, the job disappears, the wife has an affair, the money runs dry or the habit becomes an addiction. Not until we feel the raw obliteration of life, to be stripped bare do we take heed.
The masculine grows by challenge and there is simultaneously no greater challenge or blessing, than to have to start over with a completely fresh, unsullied perspective on the infinite possibilities of life.
Like many men, Nic reached a point in life where his only satisfaction was found in the dulling numbness of anything that would take his mind off it; drugs, alcohol, porn. Unable to face the burden of the life he created, everything else suffered until his only option left was to face everything he had been resisting. And by doing so, discovering that our resistance is the doorway to the next level of life.
With the sole purpose of his own healing, growth, expansion, learning and discovery, after almost ten years, Nic has now worked with hundreds of men, helping them peel back the layers of culturally inherited, socially permeated models of behaviour and conditioning.
To heal their relationship with themselves and with others. To help empower those yearning for clarity, confidence and connection, to rediscover the power of living on purpose, fully from their heart, connected to their spine. To embody their truth. To transform their lives.